Mastering the 1.5°C transition – with the right tools for each step

To be truly 1.5°C-aligned requires long-term strategies and focused action. With our unique X-Degree Compatibility (XDC) tools, we enable you to develop these strategies and make future-proof decisions that allow you to steer your climate impact according to your specific needs.


XDC Climate Impact Snapshot

Free calculation of your company's current climate impact – plain and simple in °C.

Find out how your company currently performs in comparison to the 1.5°C goal of the Paris Climate Agreement and get an insightful contextualization of your result.

Get it now for free

XDC Climate Impact Report

Get an in-depth analysis of your current climate impact – now including calculation of your remaining emissions for becoming 1.5°C-aligned plus suggested pathways for achieving this target.

The next-generation Climate Impact Report is now fully web-based with a totally revamped user experience plus a host of useful features and functions.

Your climate impact in °C

Get a snapshot of your current climate impact, clearly expressed in degrees Celsius.

Scope-specific evaluation

Identify your most critical emissions scopes and apply targeted mitigation strategies to minimise your climate impact.

Meaningful benchmarking

Compare your current compatibility with the 1.5°C target and see how you stack up against your competitors and your sector.

New: 1.5°C emissions budget and reduction pathways

Pinpoint your remaining emissions budget for 1.5°C-compatibility and explore potential pathways for staying on target.

New: XDC temperature badge

Communicate your current alignment with the impactful XDC temperature badge (valid for one year), available as an authenticated NFT (non-fungible token).



From EUR 915* plus VAT

*For companies not subject to mandatory reporting under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)


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It’s not the cow, it’s the how: Strategies for Paris-compatible meat production


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XDC Portfolio Report

Snapshot of your portfolio’s climate impact. Assessment of Paris Alignment and temperature benchmarking at single security and portfolio level.

Climate Target Benchmarking

See whether your portfolio fulfills your temperature targets and where the greatest deviations occur. 

Science-based Climate Reporting

Take your ESG reporting to the next level by including science-based, forward-looking climate metrics. 

Coverage Check

Verify our broad data coverage in advance – including listed and private equity, bonds and sovereign bonds. 

Minimal Effort

You send us the ISINs and portfolio weights and our team of financial experts will do the rest. Receive your report as a useful Excel file, including an in-depth discussion of the findings with our consultants. 


Sample: XDC Portfolio Report (.xlsx)

XDC Portfolio Explorer

Your portfolio alignment at a glance. Access forward-looking climate metrics and target benchmarking  for single securities and your entire portfolio. Register now for free!

From snapshot to steering

See the climate impact of your investments at first view. Identify the best and worst climate performers among your holdings and explore in detail the changes you can make through rebalancing. Make the most of our user-friendly, web-based software to actively manage your portfolio along science-based, forward-looking climate KPIs.

Intuitive reporting

When talking about climate change, what could be easier than degrees Celsius? Make your climate reporting tangible and transparent with all the accuracy of a science-based, robust metric and all the simplicity of a single value: °C

Look ahead until 2100

What is the portfolio’s temperature trajectory if things continue as before until 2050 or 2100? How does this align with the Paris Agreement goals? A unique combination of bottom-up baseline calculations and top-down target benchmarking gives you full insight into where your investments are headed.

Broad Coverage

XDC Portfolio Explorer covers 80+ sectors (NACE classification) and offers immediate access to temperature alignment results for approx. 6,000 listed companies plus 168 sovereign bonds. Just upload your portfolio (.csv) and get started for free.

Premium Features

Choose the Premium version to get full feature access, including

  • selecting mitigation scenarios from either the International Energy Agency (IEA), Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) or One Earth Climate Model (OECM),
  • adjusting the timeframe for any end year up until 2100,
  • editing portfolio weights and more.

Add the Sovereign Bonds module to get your full multi-asset portfolio analysis in one seamless tool.


See more and register for free at





How to minimise the climate impact of equity and bond portfolios


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Real Estate

XDC Real Estate Explorer

Capture the climate impact of buildings, quarters, and real estate portfolios in one simple value: degrees Celsius. Calculate 1.5°C-aligned decarbonisation pathways. Evaluate refurbishments and investments in advance. Tackle the transition. 

From complexity to clarity

See your building stock’s climate performance, where the greatest climate risks lie, and what decarbonisation pathways to 1.5°C-alignment would look like. It’s easier than you think! Data on area, building type, country, and emissions (Whole Buildings Approach) are converted into one single figure: X °C.

Science-based investment

Our innovative X-Degree Compatibility (XDC) Model marries economy and science: Based on the CRREM decarbonisation pathways, we measure the performance of each building against its 1.5°C-aligned benchmark (depending on country and building type) and then calculate: What if the whole world operated as this building does?

By integrating a climate model, we bring the best available (climate) science into our calculations, giving you everything you need in one number: reliability, transparency, international comparability – all based on science.

Know what works

Which refurbishment measure is the right choice? When is the best time for it? How can renovation plans be adjusted to maximise their effect? And, most importantly: Will the planned optimisations be sufficient to bring the buildin, the quarter or the portfolio on track for 1.5°C?

Use scenario analysis in XDC Real Estate Explorer to check the effectiveness of your plans, before investing in them.

Competitive Advantage °C

Impress your customers and investors with sound, tangible, and intuitive climate metrics. Use forward looking KPIs to not only show how carbon-intensive your real estate is now, but to demonstrate that your modernisations are 1.5°C-compatible. Make the transition possible!

Software or API – your choice!

Use our own browser-based application, XDC Real Estate Explorer, to analyse your buildings directly. Or integrate our climate metrics into your own systems through an API.

Want to learn more?

Contact us!




Energy supply solutions for Paris-compatible apartment blocks


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XDC API for Dashboard Integrations

With XDC for Real Estate, dashboards and platforms provide scientifically sound tools to optimise your real estate from an ESG perspective and bring its climate impact on track to 1.5 °C. 


Quantrefy is the world’s first platform that enables real-time calculation of ESG scores for real estate (e.g. GRESB, ECORE or CRREM). It provides you with a customisable dashboard for this purpose.


Quantrefy not only simplifies your reporting, but also provides you with concrete information on where and how you can sustainably improve the ESG scoring of your real estate portfolio. You can integrate XDC for Real Estate directly into your Quantrefy dashboard.

















