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right° launches climate alignment data for investors

Investors can access innovative science-based climate metrics in °C together with further financial, economic and alternative datasets from Nasdaq Data Link.


Frankfurt am Main, July 20, 2023 – Investors and financial professionals can now access a snapshot of their portfolio’s climate impact with results at single security and portfolio level provided as tangible degree Celsius (Centigrade) values, thereby allowing a direct comparison to the 1.5 °C goal of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (Paris Alignment). The unique alignment metrics provided by right° are available through Nasdaq Data Link, a premier content provider of financial, economic and alternative data.


“We are focused on taking a science-based approach to provide climate alignment data to support the redirection of capital toward a sustainable transition,” said Hannah Helmke, CEO and co-founder of right°. “We’re excited to help clients better assess the decoupling of carbon emissions within their portfolio through data available via Nasdaq Data Link.”


right° is a Frankfurt-based climate tech company founded in 2016 and is a pioneer of temperature alignment or Implied Temperature Rise (ITR) metrics. right° developed the XDC Model (X-Degree Compatibility), a science-based economic climate impact model that calculates the contribution of a company, building or financial portfolio to climate change. It answers the question: How much global warming could we expect if the entire world exhibited the same climate performance as the entity under consideration? Decision-makers from the business, finance, and real estate use XDC to measure, manage and communicate the climate impact of their activities.


Nasdaq Data Link is a comprehensive data platform providing users with access to a wide range of market intelligence. With over 250 unique real-time and historical market data, financial, economic, alternative and ESG data products, Nasdaq Data Link empowers over 800,000 users within the investment community. The platform offers multiple delivery options, including real-time streaming and REST APIs enabling seamless integration of data into users’ own systems and a suite of analysis tools helping investors unlock alpha.


More information at https://data.nasdaq.com/databases/RGT/overview

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manaos and right° join forces to deliver °C metrics to investors

Frankfurt/Paris, February 21, 2023 – Customers of Manaos, BNP Paribas’ next-generation investment services platform, can now access the unique climate impact metrics by Frankfurt-based climate tech right° to gain a clear understanding of their portfolio’s alignment to the goals of the Paris Agreement: plain and simple in °C.

The XDC Portfolio Report by right° is now available as an app on the Manaos platform, so that registered users can seamlessly add this pioneering climate metric to their ESG data and analysis. The report provides science-based and forward-looking climate impact metrics both for the portfolio as a whole and for each security.

“Building a strong assortment of both niche and well-known ESG partners to cover major use cases is key to our ambition of becoming the #1 reference platform for all ESG investment-related services. We are thrilled to now have the innovative yet clear-cut XDC Model by right° on Manaos, directed towards the transition to 1.5 °C. It is a staple offering we have long been wanting to provide to our clients”, says Franck Delbes – CEO of Manaos.

For right° forging strong partnerships with other actors in the larger ESG ecosystem is a strategic priority:

“Gathering, understanding, and managing ESG data is difficult enough as it is. By partnering with such a competent and innovative partner as Manaos, we are making it straightforward for portfolio managers to integrate sound, science-based climate metrics into their investment processes, to steer capital towards the transition to 1.5 °C, and to easily share their progress with their own customers and stakeholders”, says Dr. Sebastian Müller, LL.M. – co-founder of right°.

The XDC Portfolio Report draws on the unique XDC (X-Degree Compatibility) Model developed by right°. This pioneering, science-based ‘temperature alignment’ or ‘implied temperature rise’ (ITR) metric corresponds directly to the 1.5 °C goal of the Paris Agreement, thereby offering unprecedented transparency to companies, banks, investors, and the public on climate risks and opportunities. It is the only methodology of its kind to integrate a climate model (also used by the IPCC). It is science-based, transparent, and has been free to use in academic research since 2019 through the project right. open. The fundamental methodology has been peer-reviewed and was published under an open license (open source) in 2021.

Access the right° app on Manaos at: https://www.manaos.com/apps/rightdeg-climate-impact-in-degc.html

About Manaos

Manaos is the next-generation investment services platform built to help investors tackle trending challenges, including look-through, ESG sourcing and ESG reporting. As a subsidiary of BNP Paribas Securities Services, Manaos was developed at banking-level security standards.

Find out more at www.manaos.com

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